Productivity for Scientists

1) a poster on Overcoming Overwhelm

2) a list of 126 Ways to Become More Productive

3) Olga's weekly Productivity Insights ezine

To download, enter your e-mail and name below

Do you feel you are very busy during your working days?

Do you lack the feeling of progress and accomplishment?

Do you have a feeling of overwhelm or being stuck with all those projects piled up and waiting for your attention on your desk and computer?

Do you struggle with being constantly distracted from your main priorities?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions than I am so happy to offer you this brand new 20-pages “Unleash Your Intrinsic Productivity” Workbook!

The good news is that we all ARE intrinsically productive. It is just that our productivity is buried under our “busy-ness”.

This Workbook will walk you through some powerful concepts and writing exercises that will help you to get rid of all the stuff that is draining and distracting you from your goals.

For over a year I have now mentored many people in academia and other creative types and helped them to get their priorities right, introduce new healthy habits and shift their working experience from overwhelmed to peaceful. To work with me, it has so far required some financial and time commitments, which you might feel you are not ready to make right now.

To make it easier on you and help you to make the first steps from busy-ness and overwhelm to peaceful productivity I have combined my knowledge and experience and condensed it into a concise but powerful 20-pages Workbook.

Grab your copy here

What results can you expect from this Workbook?

  • You’ll get clear on your goals and priorities
  • You’ll learn a time management approach that immediately makes you noticeably productive
  • You’ll get to know a technique that will “create” time for you out of nothing
  • You’ll break the cycle of procrastination and set yourself up for success
  • You’ll master productivity techniques that will hugely propel you towards your goals and will help you achieve anything you want
  • You’ll become skilled at turning a string of unproductive days into a “productivity spell”
  • And more!…

I have tried and tested this workbook with a dozen of people and got a positive response. It really does work! 🙂

I myself still do the same exercises on daily and weekly basis and it helps me stay focused and productive while feeling relaxed and happy. It also helps me deal with occasional bad days!

If you are ready to make the first steps from busy-ness and overwhelm to peaceful and productive reality then

Grab your copy here*

*It’s £15 as a special introductory offer for a limited time only. Get your copy NOW! 🙂

The pdf file of the Workbook will be delivered to your e-mail within 12 hours, usually much faster.

Love, Olga

P.S. If you have any questions please e-mail me at