Productivity for Scientists

1) a poster on Overcoming Overwhelm

2) a list of 126 Ways to Become More Productive

3) Olga's weekly Productivity Insights ezine

To download, enter your e-mail and name below

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” – Anatole France

Hello! It’s Olga here.

How are you today?

Is it a beautiful day, but… you cannot enjoy it? You are so overwhelmed because there are SO MANY things on your plate right now… So many things to do and you are not managing…

Or do you feel pain in your heart because of the broken relationship, or the household in a mess and things not working.

Or maybe you’ve got some serious trouble at work.

Or maybe you are getting very overwhelmed with two under 5’s in your house.

Or maybe you are expecting a baby and just found out you need to take care of one of your parents.

Or maybe it is several of the above…

You are not sure where to start fixing and making things better…

I can feel for you!!!

So many times I’ve been through this. Feeling overwhelmed, not knowing what to do, where to start, and how to manage it all. And about 6 years ago I reached such a low deep in my life that I felt absolutely depressed and giving up on myself.

And mind you, at the time I worked in a prestigious research institution, was active at publishing scientific papers in high-impact journals, was starting to get invited as a speaker to important conferences and so on. It was a seeming success on the outside.

sunburn, with a headache, on a day out in 2005

On the inside though I felt so hurt, so lonely, so lost. Often I cried myself to sleep at night. I had a screwed and hurtful relationship with my mother. I’ve got together and split up with my long-term boyfriend for the nth time. I spent $$$ on dating agency just to feel scammed shortly after that.

I have made unhealthy choices for my body and my soul, the choices that were in reaction to what people said or did to me, in reaction to situations and circumstances. I’ve made the choices that I did not really want to make but I did not know any better.

When I went to my hometown that year I could not tell anything when people asked me how my life was, as it was a mess not be shared.

One day I found myself lying on my bed for several days not being able to go to work and feeling like giving up on myself…It was the worst I felt in my life ever.

… Luckily, somehow, I pulled myself together and I went to sick help from a psychotherapist. I also made a commitment to myself to find out, no matter what, how to deal with this kind of situations when everything seems TOO MUCH, and … how to be happy.

For 6 years now I’ve been working with various mentors and coaches, read tons of books on the subject.

And I have found some pretty cool answers.

I have also seen my life change for the better. I healed myself. I also witnessed a huge growth. I am happily married and we have two wonderful boys. I healed my relationship with my mother – she comes to visit us, and we travel to Russia every year to stay with her for one month. My life is full of passion and purpose. I love who I am and what I do every single day. Pretty cool?

AND I want to share with you some of those answers that I found!!!

Check out my FREE video series called HEAL YOURSELF AND GROW where I share the first 3 steps you can take if you are in the situation when everything seems too much, or you feel like a failure, lost of lonely.

Part 1: I love you

Part 2: Look at your own needs

Part 3: Everyone is doing their best

If those videos speak to you, and you feel like you are ready to start making a change in your life from feeling pain, overwhelm and frustration towards feeling content, happiness and joy

then JOIN ME for the


           coaching program!

What results can you expect with the
Heal Yourself and Grow Coaching Program?

  • You’ll stop feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, full of pain.
  • You’ll let go of blame
  • You’ll stop feeling like a failure
  • You’ll start feeling better
  • You’ll stop making reactive choices and start making choices that are in alignment with you
  • You will get un-stuck and let go of the things that drain you, overwhelm you, and steal your peace.
  • You will build a sense of control so that you are no longer in a passive or victim mode.
  • You will learn certain techniques that will transform your daily experience from inside-out.
  • You will experience a daily sense of purposefulness & direction.
  • You will stop surviving and start thriving.
  • You will put an end to the thoughts of fear and negativity.
  • Best of all: you will start feeling more content and even happier and more joyful!

Here’s what you get with the
Heal Yourself and Grow Coaching Program

The program is designed to guide and support you for 3 full months. You can pick the start date of the program as it is most convenient for you!

1. NINE private personal coaching sessions from me for a duration of 45 min via skype.

2. A coaching call preparation form to get us both clear and ready for the call.

3. An e-mail access to myself to ask all possible questions that you might get along the way. I will be answering your questions and encouraging you and supporting you in any of the challenges you might be experiencing.

And here is the best part:

You get my own personal 100% Money Back guarantee!!

Try the program for 14 days, and if you for some reason do not like it or do not see any changes towards feeling better, you get your money back 100%!

Why would I do this? Because I know the transformational power of the approach I teach, I know that I deliver massive-value and high-level support  and if for some reason it does not work for you – get you money back, keep the received material and I still love you! :-)

So if you’re ready to start shifting from feeling pain, blame and overwhelm to feeling more content, happy and even joyful, this coaching program is for you!

Join Olga for this program – pick your own start date!

Click here to express your interest and arrange your FREE getting acquainted skype session with me. We’ll talk for 30 min to get to know each other better and to see how we can best work together.

Olga Degtyareva - Your Productivity Mentor



Love, Olga

P.S. If you have any questions please e-mail me at


Testimonial for Olga's 3 months Inner Circle Support and Accountability Coaching Program


testimonial for Olga's work